No, I will not stop using baseball metaphors to describe my writing. Well, maybe. But, not today. Because I finished the first draft of Triple Play yesterday!!! 🎉🎊🕚I still have a lot of work to do on it(I mean a lot, like a major rewrite), but it is done for now. Usually I have trouble focusing on just one project at a time, but often as I get toward the end of a project, it is all I want to focus on. So, I used that to get through it.

I know I haven’t posted in a couple weeks, but I’m just going to report on the last week’s progress.


As I said above, I mostly worked on Triple Play this week. I wrote more than 10,000 words(the whole thing is a little over 83,000 words). I also did a little editing on The Mirror to Perfection and looked for new promos to join, though I didn’t have much luck with that. But, that’s it. I may get to a few of my other goals today, but I’m still counting that as a really good week.


A Little Bit Country

This was a nice, fairly light YA novel about a boy who wants to be a gay country singer, and the boy he falls in love with. And it was just fun to read.

Stars in Your Eyes

I listened to this, and it was not light. It deals a lot with trauma, and it was hard to listen to at times, but it does have a happy ending. And I really liked how the other media was worked into it.


I’ve been making steady progress on the lap blanket. It’s still not anywhere long enough to cover my lap, but it’s looking pretty good. Not sure if I’ll finish it before it gets too warm for me to be able to feel yarn against my skin, but I’m hoping. Otherwise, I’ll set it aside until fall.

A few more sections finished

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