Since we’re coming up on the end of the month, it’s time to wrap things up. I feel like I’ve been a little all over the place, even though I’ve been more focused than usual. I just never seem to feel like I get as much done as I could. So, it always helps me to list out what I did get done. Then, I can prove my brain wrong.


Triple Play

I spent 3 hours on this on Monday and got almost 4500 words. That’s 1500 words an hour, which is… a lot. Usually even a good hour for me is around 800 words, so it was really flowing. Went back to it Thursday and got 584 in an hour. Still, that was over 5000 words for the week, so not too shabby.

Monthly total: 23160 words

Know My Way Around

I only worked on this on Tuesday, and got my 3 hours in. But, only got a little over 3000 words. Still a good pace, and would have been really good if not comparing it to Monday’s. Of course, this was also the day I only got about 4 hours of sleep(woke up extremely early for no conceivable reason), so that might have factored in. I was going to work on it Thursday, but decided to switch with Triple Play, since it was Opening Day(of baseball). And today…I have a serious lack of motivation. So, I’m planning to finish stuff up for the week and take the weekend off before next month starts.

Monthly Total: Spent 3 hours plotting and wrote 5653 words

The Mirror to Perfection

I had planned to work on this on Wednesday, but our internet was not cooperating. It started Tuesday night, not being able to hold a connection for long. Just when I’d think it was working again… Nope, out it went. I was able to manage about an hour of work on this between outages. And by late afternoon it had come back and was staying connected. But, by then, I had lost all motivation to do much of anything.

Monthly Total: I added 1432 words and did another 3.5 hours of editing that didn’t add to the word count

Slanting Sunlight

I’ve been attending Fictionary‘s 6 weeks to editing, part 1 course, which is all about making a revision plan, step by step. And I’ve been applying the lessons to this project. This was week 5, and the class was on Wednesday, the day of no internet. So, I ended up attending on my phone and having to just listen instead of working along. Then, it was about another half hour to actually fill in the elements(I’d already filled in most of them when I was doing this on my own before).

Monthly Total: I’ve spent a little over 5 hours on editing this(not counting actual class time).


The Diablo’s Curse

I don’t usually start gushing about a book before I even finish reading it. But, I only have about 30 pages left, and I absolutely loved this book. I adored Dami in The Wicked Bargain, and now as the lead in their own story…it’s just been perfect. And so much fun. I cannot recommend reading this enough. There are some references to The Wicked Bargain, but even if you haven’t read that one, this stands on its own well enough.


I’ve made progress on the lap blanket I started last week. I mentioned having to rip it out because I hadn’t made a border. Well, I got past the border and four rows into the first micro pattern, and realized I had the wrong number of stiches on the needle. Each pattern is 24 stitches long. I thought I’d done multiples of that, plus the 10 for the border. Nope. Turns out I did it in multiples of 12. So, the pattern didn’t quite work out. So, I had to rip it all out and start over again. I’ve finished 2 of those micro patterns now, which is about 19 rows. I’m liking the way it’s turning out so far.

Too long to show the whole thing, but here’s a section of what I have finished of the blanket so far